
ClamAntiVirus是一個Linux系統上使用的反病毒軟件包。主要應用於郵件服務器,採用多線程後台操作,可以自動升級病毒庫。,ClamWinFreeAntivirusisafreesoftwareprojectwithmorethan22Milliondownloadstodate.YoucanhelpimproveClamWinFreeAntivirusby:Submitting ...,ClamWinFreeAntivirusisusedbymorethan600,000usersworldwideonadailybasis.Itcomeswithaneasyinstallerandopensourcecode.,ClamAV(antivirus)isafreesoftware,...

Clam AntiVirus_百度百科

Clam AntiVirus是一個Linux系統上使用的反病毒軟件包。主要應用於郵件服務器,採用多線程後台操作,可以自動升級病毒庫。

Download ClamWin Free Antivirus for Microsoft Windows

ClamWin Free Antivirus is a free software project with more than 22 Million downloads to date. You can help improve ClamWin Free Antivirus by: Submitting ...

Free Antivirus for Windows

ClamWin Free Antivirus is used by more than 600,000 users worldwide on a daily basis. It comes with an easy installer and open source code.


ClamAV (antivirus) is a free software, cross-platform antimalware toolkit able to detect many types of malware, including viruses. It was developed for Unix ...

Cisco-Talosclamav: ClamAV

ClamAV® is an open source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats. Documentation & FAQ. ClamAV documentation is ...


Whether you're a home user or a business user user, ClamXAV provides effective malware protection on anything from a single Mac to a whole family, or an entire ...


在檔案匯入至OpenPages之前,您可以使用Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV) 來掃描檔案是否有病毒及惡意軟體。 掃描失敗的檔案不會上傳。


Clam AntiVirus(ClamAV)是免費、開放原始碼的防毒軟體,軟體與病毒碼的更新皆由社群發佈。目前ClamAV主要使用在由Linux、FreeBSD等類Unix系統架設的郵件伺服器上, ...